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1.Superior in communication
whether you play video games for fun or to take out your stress.To excel in any competitive matches you need to be very good at communicating with your team mates in the lobby.
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+Assume yourself a Leader in game now you need to guide your mates-
- where to hide in corners,where to place the bomb - site A or B of the map.
- You encountered your opponent Screamed "Target Collided " , "Hostage rescued", "Target missed" or you just shouted hell out like a mad person when you get killed.
Benefit : You were better at people by conveying your words mixed with intelligence, experience, emotions and feelings.
2.Avid learner
You played a lot of Farcry,Witcher,Tomb Raider or other survial RPG series but have you ever
figured out what you have gained apart from XP.
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- You were better at crafting the in-game items from herbs to potions,skins of animals to ammunition.
- You were good in handling at insufficient goods when to consume and where to discard at.
Benefit : You were good at exploring places,learning a lot about historical-fantasy, helping out
other NPC's where you were assigned with a quest.
3.Good at Risking
Whether you play any game from Super Mario bro's to C.O.D you consciously or subconsciously developed a habit of risking yourself to win/lose.
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- You were experimenting yourself on different levels to be best at every possible scenario.
- You were gradually helping your mates by sacrificing your role to scale up in games.
- You were better in trying out each and every weapon ranging from guns,rifles to snipers,riding horses to battle tanks with the vision only to be BEST in winning.
Benefit : You could be the Master in dealing out real life situations to tackle-up every hurdle you encountered using your tactics,strategy.
4.Free from Anxiety, Fears
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Games not only teach tactics,strategy but it also helps to escape from reality - Helps you to move on from real world problems like depression, dyslexia, phobias to engage into fantasy driven world full of freedom to explore, interact, immerse into artificially created environments,monuments etc.
5.Life lessons
Even a simple video game teaches you nothing but a thing - Always promotes a positive mind set to win at games even if it is in difficult mode.
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- Encourages you to never 'GIVEUP' until you finish that hard level where you were smashing buttons and cracking your head with ideas to WIN at any cost in boss fight.
6.Better at Multitasking
You thought all of your life as not a dexterous person - who does not use both hands skillfully if your are still by same thought perhaps your wrong with your opinion.
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- You exhibited all your ambidextrous act by simultaneously using a mouse with one hand,smashing keyboard keys with other hand.
- You sturdily maintained a good collaboration by communicating with peers and rapidly changing your reflexes all time.
7.Better Eye-Hand coordination
You maintained a sharp Eye-Hand coordination all time because you know even a small mistake made by you - A.I punishes very badly which you avoided all way because you were very keen in observing the Map, exploring environment, assessing player movement co-ordinates.
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- You were very good at spatial thinking,imaginary view, shape and size of objects, location, direction, color recognition etc.
Benefits : Apart from knowledge and wisdom from games - our eyes exercise a lot from moving to and fro, top to bottom.
8.Faster Decision making
Its obvious that speedy and hasten decisions often lead to disastrous and chaos situations,but how video games helped us to be better at it?
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- Compared to normal people, Gamers make decisions faster, reliable, accurate most of the time because many games (i.e. casual,timer based) are developed to boost the reflexes which inherently promote your brain for faster brain processing.
Benefits : Decision making skills helps us in our day-to-day life to encounter the difficult situation from being panicked 'N worried to solve the problem with ease.
9.New kind of brain's
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Gamers are again different from normal people because with the use of both hands consistently the gamer mind uses both left- right parts of the brain synchronously.
10.Unleash inner Creativity
Everybody knows no two players play the same game in same type. Each person thinks and possess data differently from same source according to their own perspective and peripheral vision views.
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- Games help to solve the puzzles, riddles creativity depending upon his/her own usage of maximum brain capacity to gain advantage in game field.
- Gamers make each and every bit of plan by using their inner creativity like when to jump, leap, crunch,move forward - backward, running 'n gunning depending upon current scenario and every player 'plays a game complete uniquely'.
I totally agree!
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