Part 1 : Types of roles in Game development companies

All my childhood I thought that games would come by themselves designed and development,like those forest fruits,vegetables which evolve grow themselves(haha i was pretty dumb I know),but during my teens I realized I was wrong and there's a section "Credits" entirely dedicated to the crew who contributed for game creation. Designers Game designers idealize the game concept,pitches the look-n-feel of game world,designs the scoring and leveling system like Expericence(XP) healthpoints(HP) Damage meters(DMG),sets the rules and constraints, drafts mechanics and hazards, expresses playable characters and enemies concept to artists and programmers to match the gamekind.Simply I would call to Game designers has the heart of game development cycle. Game designer idea's to reality Level Designer - A level designer particularly works on creation of stages,Maps, rounds and levels of game world with the incorporation of objectives,protocols, mechanics and ...