All about Gaming!

So you play Video Games for fun or to challenge your friends in co-operative/multiplayer mode to show off your skills in gaming community. Whether you play First person shooting(Fps) games like Call of duty,Battlefield,Counter Strike franchises or adventure based-adrenaline rush games like GTA, Far Cry, Assassins Creed, Witcher series regardless of genre and you call yourself a gamer and pro. But have you ever figured out "How a Video Game is crafted from a tiny block of graphical pixel to a massively life like open world RPG" - I bet you do not know how a AK-47 Gun in CS:GO exactly mimics or simulate its shooting rate and fire sounds virtually.... then you have come to righteous site, I will lore how a Video Game is crafted from start to end. Its creation phase of development to publishing. 1.Game Engines To develop any game we require particular software's called game engines. There are various g ame engines in market some are...